Sunday, March 10, 2019

Thing 3- Photo Fun

Photo and fun in classes:  
Filters and edits by me ... but photo found via "Photos for Class"  


As always the filters are fun - and thematic.  I was thinking it would be a fun ELA lesson- -Poems using the holiday theme lenses- Short stories about animal photos-You could even make a short story of fun different characters using the photos of all the students in your class. 

Social aspect has no limits- anyone can request to be students friends- hence seems risky for the school environment (I would have teacher take photos and share the snaps in a power point or slides shared via google classroom. to let students manipulate into their own stories etc.)

Open source Images! Yipeeeeee
I love the photo searches recommended-  as I am not a really great personal photographer:
Photos for ClassPixabayPhotopin, and Unsplash

Photos for ClassI love that students are able to enhance understanding of a gazillion topics through photos.
I also love that photos make their learning come alive and contine to make learning more exciting and interesting to others.
However - all our classses have google classroom - and thus we use the google
"insert from the web" search option that brings directly to open source images.
I found the images from "Photos for Class" to be more higher quality images, more directly related to the topic I searched and will likely uses the Photos for Class search in  making my own slides more detailed with quality open source images.
Pixaby Literally searched same topic in Pixabay as Photos for Class - and the exact same images populated.
A major advantage of Pixaby though it the ability to filter the results much more efficiently.
Popular  Images  Orientation  Category  
Size  Color 

Again - same topic- but the pictures that came back were much more "off" from my search request.  This site offered filters- but I found the Pixaby photo filters more helpful in my searches.
License type:     Sort:      

The results were literally unrelated to the search topic I typed it ?
Good quality photos.  All images captioned- I'm assuming there would be a better way to search this site.
They have topic headings or searchable - but again I was much easier

1 comment:

  1. Photos for Class searches multiple photo sites, so that's why you found many of the same images on Photos for Class and Pixabay. No matter what source students use, the important bit is to make sure they're checking to see if the image is "legal" to use. Weird about the Unsplash results.


THING 21- Supporting ELL's

When doing my readings, "According to the  National Center for Education Statistics , an average of 9 percent of students in U.S. publ...